



哲学 majors at Marist grapple with some of the most fundamental questions concerning the nature of reality, 人类知识的范围, 以及对与错的本质. You’ll learn to think in conceptually novel ways and construct critical and 逻辑ally rigorous arguments. 作为bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学哲学专业的学生, 你将发展重要的技能, and philosophy complements other pursuits such as the law, 心理学, 认知科学, 计算机科学.



The 哲学 major at Marist is a comprehensive program that offers a broad exposure to the discipline, both in terms of the central branches of philosophy (metaphysics, 认识论, 逻辑, and ethics) and the major historical periods of Western thought (ancient, 现代, 和当代). 你也可以选择, 然而, to dive more deeply into certain philosophical questions by pursuing one or more concentrations:


  • 伦理与社会
  • 哲学
  • 政治与法律(PPL)
  • 宗教研究


A point of pride for our 哲学 faculty is the wide array of specializations that distinguish our department, 从古代到当代的思想, and from metaphysics to aesthetics and almost everything in between. 像这样, 哲学 majors at Marist have ample opportunity to explore various subdisciplines within the field. 下面是我们的一些教员, or view all 哲学 faculty >



本科 research is a cornerstone of the Marist academic experience, 哲学专业的学生也不例外. 作为bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学哲学专业的学生, you’ll have the opportunity to engage in exciting 有专门的教师进行研究,参加 中哈德逊山谷大学哲学会议 which is hosted by Marist every year, and even work as editors for Marist’s own 本科生哲学学报.

Marist 本科生哲学学报 Volume VI >



Since most 哲学 majors double major in another field, 你的实习机会是无限的. 无论是通过像 奥尔巴尼暑期实习计划 或者是 塔弗暑期实习计划 或者在 哈德逊河谷研究所, Marist 哲学 students have a wide range of internship opportunities to explore different fields and prepare for careers or graduate school. View some of the internship destinations our 哲学 students have utilized below.


Enhance Your 哲学 Degree with the Academic Triangle

玛丽斯特大学的文科课程鼓励学生学习 学术三角形 approach: we encourage you to complement your major with an additional major, 小, 或辅修课程, as well as internship and research experiences to round out your educational career. 这三件事能提高你的学习成绩, opening up a wide range of career opportunities after you graduate. Take a look at some real examples of how our 英语 students have been successful with this method:

= Research Assistant, Laureate Institute for Brain Research

诉讼助理,Carmody, Torrance, Sandak, & 亨尼西,LLP)

=政治记者 纽约邮报


我是文科的坚定信仰者, so it was important to me to have that type of undergraduate experience. Marist’s small class sizes were a huge plus, as was the study abroad program. 因为火星的体积更小, 教授有更多的时间和你在一起, so you develop relationships with the faculty in a way that’s hard to do at a larger school.


Dual Major 英语 and 哲学, 西班牙语 and 剧院 Minor

Read Bernadette's Story >

Marist prepared me to bring together my interests in computer science and philosophy in a unique way. My PhD research focuses on how intelligent systems like robots and self-driving cars make decisions, 或者我喜欢这么说, bet亚洲365欢迎投注推理的推理.”


Dual Major 计算机科学 and 哲学, 数学 Minor

Read Justin's Story >

I’ll miss the amazing relationships I’ve had with friends and faculty. Some of my closest mentors have been my peers and professors.


Dual Major 化学 and 哲学, 数学 Minor

Read Croix's Story >

I have been able to spend my years at Marist making valuable contributions to my field of interest in an early part of my career. The biggest correlation I have found is the crossover between the philosophy of mind and how we define knowledge and free-will.


Dual Major 计算机科学 and 哲学, 数学 Minor

Read Brendan's Story >

I feel as though I have benefited from this program by becoming a more independent and open-minded student. I have become more cultured and more motivated to make a difference in the world and feel as though this program has helped me become a greater version of myself.



Read Louis's Story >

I applied to 26 schools and I decided to come to Marist out of all these schools because I felt that not only is Marist a beautiful campus, 哪个对我很重要, 但他们也非常重视出国留学. bet亚洲365欢迎投注有很多独特的机会, and that’s what really sets it apart from other schools, 这就是吸引我的地方.


工商管理专业, 国际商业集中度, 辅修全球研究和哲学

Read Elio's Story >

在圣母, we pride ourselves on our dedication to providing our students with a well-rounded liberal arts education that prepares them for practical experience and profound success in their field. But don't just take our word for it - the numbers speak f或者是mselves.


Of current students are satisfied with their Marist Experience


Graduation rate, higher than the average for public and private colleges


Employed or attending grad school 6 months after graduation



U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道




